Goat sales information and agreements
We offer goats for sale to approved homes. All contact for purchases will be on our facebook page and messenger, if you do not have messenger you can use the number listed at the bottom of this website for messaging. Babies are offered as bottle babies or stay till weaned. If you are looking for a particular color or breeding you can get on our waitlist and be notified when your desired kid comes along. All our kids are Dam raised as well as bottle trained so mom teaches them to goat but we are 2nd mom with bottle meals resulting in super friendly kids. We love to answer questions and help new goat owners select the perfect goats and learn proper care of their new friends.
Any goat requires a 50% deposit to hold till pick up. This is non refundable in most cases but is transferable if you are unable to fulfill the purchase you may find a suitable replacement buyer to transfer the sale to. A pickup date must be agreed to with a deposit, and hold beyond 7 days of agreed date will incur a boarding fee of $5.00 per day unless agreement is changed by both parties.
if buyer fails to pickup within 14 days of agreed date without correspondence or boarding fee paid up to date the deposit will be forfeit and goat will be offered to other buyers. If a goat becomes ill or otherwise unable to be picked up a refund or replacement can be arranged.
All goats are sold as-is and in good health upon departure, full inspection is responsibility of buyer at pick up. No warranties offered after departure. If a genetic defect is later found, in that case a partial refund or replacement can be offered. Things such as Hermaphrodite, criptochid, extra teats etc...
We do not accept animals back on the farm when they leave due to Biohazard guidelines. Our Herd is disease tested and incoming animals must also be tested before joining the herd if they have been exposed to other animals.
Goats Prices and Information
$450.00+ All Doelings come with Papers
We offer most Doelings for sale. We offer a waitlist in which you can request Notifications when kids fitting your request are born and priority in order of request. You can request Specific Coloring as well as Particular parents. Prices vary depending on parents bloodlines and performance accomplishments as well as color, we may lower prices if a doeling hasn't been reserved by 3 months of age.
$250.00+ Without Papers
$350.00+ With Papers
Some Bucklings may be offered with or without Papers, some will only be offered without Papers, decisions are based on each Bucklings bloodlines, color and other Criteria to determine if they are considered worthy of being a breeding male. Most Bucklings are offered without Papers. Bucklings make great Pets when fixed! We offer banding services or referral to our local vet if desired.
We occasionally offer adults for sale in order to keep numbers low. Feel free to contact us if interested in a particular doe and if we will consider selling you'll have first chance at that time. Some Does will never leave. Others will leave only if we retain a daughter.